Get history of a coin
Get the history of a coin, specified by its symbol in lowercase. Response is an array of timestamps, buy prices and sell prices, respectively.
Example response
[ [], [], [] ]
Explore and download the history and timeseries data of all crypto-INR pairs offered by the CoinSwitch exchange.
This project, "CoinSwitch History", is not affiliated to or endorsed by CoinSwitch Kuber.
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Choose from the 0 coins available on the exchange.
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Hover to see prices, select ranges to zoom in. Charts are optimized for desktop, just btw.
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Download the timeseries data for the BTC.
The API used by this webapp to query coins and history is openly available, so long as my VPS has the capacity to cater to its requests. Take note:
Get the history of a coin, specified by its symbol in lowercase. Response is an array of timestamps, buy prices and sell prices, respectively.
[ [], [], [] ]
Get list of coins available on the exchange and this service.
[ null ]
Get statistics and health information regarding the database and its items.
Get a .PNG file of the coin's logo